
Advance script garage with impound features included.

How can i use this resource?


  • oxmysql

if you you use eden garage or james garage you need only to load the onlyimpound.sql

ALTER TABLE `owned_vehicles` ADD COLUMN `impound` VARCHAR(60) DEFAULT '{"value":false,"name":"PeppSess"}' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_bin';

How can i create a new garage?

just copy the first garage and change the coords required with new coords!

Config.Garages = {
    ["1"] = {
        ['showblip'] = true,
        ["positions"] = {
            ["menu"] = {
                ["position"] = vector3(-25.23, -1104.94, 26.72)
            ["vehicle"] = {
                ["position"] = vector3(-17.49, -1108.54, 25.68), 
        ["camera"] = {
            ["x"] = -10.69, 
            ["y"] = -1098.2, 
            ["z"] = 32.94, 
            ["rotationX"] = -21.401574149728, 
            ["rotationY"] = 0.0, 
            ["rotationZ"] = -213.40157422423 

if you dont want the 3d camera features just remove the camera config

Config.Garages = {
    ["1"] = {
        ['showblip'] = true,
        ["positions"] = {
            ["menu"] = {
                ["position"] = vector3(-25.23, -1104.94, 26.72)
            ["vehicle"] = {
                ["position"] = vector3(-17.49, -1108.54, 25.68), 

I want create a garage, but i dont want the in game map Blip!

if you dont want the in game map blip for determanted garage set ['showblip'] to false, following an example

Config.Garages = {
    ["1"] = {
        ['showblip'] = false,
        ["positions"] = {
            ["menu"] = {
                ["position"] = vector3(-25.23, -1104.94, 26.72)
            ["vehicle"] = {
                ["position"] = vector3(-17.49, -1108.54, 25.68), 
        ["camera"] = {
            ["x"] = -10.69, 
            ["y"] = -1098.2, 
            ["z"] = 32.94, 
            ["rotationX"] = -21.401574149728, 
            ["rotationY"] = 0.0, 
            ["rotationZ"] = -213.40157422423 

How can i adapt the impound menu to my job

You can easly adapt the impound features to the menu of your job, the trigger is this:


Example with policejob:

if you need more help, ask us on discord.

How can i trigger the vehicle menu?

This menu can Put on and off your vehicle engine and the other vehicle management


How can i trigger the garage vehicle menu?

This trigger will show you a list where you will see all your vehicle and where are


Last updated